Removes the stench of breath
Relieves dysfunction, constipation, and bloating -
fennel removes frustrations. As soon as you start chewing the fennel, those essential elements in it begin to work on digestion. At the same time, the fiber in which it softens the stool removes the problem of constipation.Maa-Sik relieves the pain of religion - by relieving the pain in the place of fennel and c-rhyme in a regular and balanced way, the mother-saik relieves the pain during religion. According to the Journal of Research in Ayurveda, women who suffer anemia during menstruation, have to suffer less pain. Tip: Take the water according to the need in a pan and boil it with a big spoon of fennel and keep it till the water color changes. After that filter the decoction. During the Ma-Sik religion, taking a warm warm lean gives relief from pain.
Reduces the chance of cancer-
Fennel is one of the good sources of mangagnas. When the body uses this mineral then there is a powerful anti-oxidant enzyme, called superoxide dismutase, which reduces the chance of cancer. Chewing foil is less likely to cause skin, stomach and breast cancer.Protects from anemia- Iron, copper and histidine are found in all three amounts in fennel, which produces red blood cells well. By taking fennel, the amount of iron in the body increases, resulting in the increase of the amount of hemogloben. Daily fennel food is particularly beneficial for pregnant women because it protects from the effects of anemia.
Reduces water retention- Due to the diuretic properties of fennel, it protects the body from being edema. Due to this quality, weight loss also decreases with its regular intake. There are many reasons for having an Eidima, so it is better to first find the address of the correct reason before using fennel.
Weight loss - Fennel has diuretic properties. That is why when you add it to your diet, it improves your digestion and reduces weight by increasing the body's metabolism rate. According to the study of Journal of Diabetes and Metabolic Syndrome, taking a mixture of fennel and black pepper increases the sensitivity of insulin and decreases the weight. At the same time, it reduces cholesterol levels and protects against metabolic syndrome and diabetes. Tip - Grind the fennel and grind them according to need. Mix the powder with warm water and make a decoction. Now this dish gets very good results by eating an empty stomach twice a day.
Controls blood pressure - According to the study of the Journal of Food Science, nitrite and nitrate are found in abundance in fennel. Both of these compounds help in the formation of new blood cells and increase the number. It has been learned from the study that it controls the blood pressure in a natural way by increasing the amount of nitrite in saliva. Apart from this, which is high in potassium in fennel, it is one of the essential elements of the cell and body fluid. These elements also help in controlling heart rate and blood pressure. Tip: Immediately after eating, chew the fennel and eat it. Not only does blood pressure control, but the power to digest increases.
Prevents the presence of acne and keeps the skin healthy; due to anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties, it is very beneficial for the skin. Applying the solution made from its seeds leads to reduced coma and also skin toad, healthy and wrinkle-free. It also reduces the symptoms of aging. Tip: Boil some donuts from the fennel until the color changes in water. Now cool this mixture and use it as a toner. Put it on face and leave it for 15 minutes and wash with water after drying.
Many diseases related to stomach: Eating of fennel cures many diseases related to stomach. For this, prepare a mixture of fennel and sugar candy and mix it with milk daily.
Eyelashes: Massage of fennel oils daily in the head of the oil makes the eyes light faster.
Skin will get enhanced: Keeping a few fennel in your mouth and sucking it slowly, it will enhance your skin.
Correct diarrhea: Fennel is very helpful in stopping diarrhea. Due to having diarrhea, it helps to get relief from diarrhea by mixing fennel and sugar powder in water.
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